The term constipation may have a different meaning from person to person. The frequency of a bowel movement varies considerably among people, ranging from 1-3 times/day to once in 3 days. Therefore, it is difficult to have a precise definition for constipation that would stand true for all. Thus, constipation is generally described as having fewer than three bowel movements a week. It also means passing stools very infrequently, passing hard stools, or having any kind of difficulty in evacuating the bowel. Though occasional constipation is very common, some people experience chronic constipation that can interfere with their ability to go about their daily tasks. Typically lasting for more than several weeks, chronic constipation can cause significant pain and discomfort and affect one’s quality of life.
Chronic constipation
Chronic diarrhoea
Lifting heavy weights
Straining too much while bowel movement
Excessive Bleeding
Minimal Anal pain
Painful bowel movements
Swelling & Itching
Discomfort while sitting
Biofeedback is basically done to regain control over the rectal muscles. As discussed earlier, in chronic constipation, especially in Obstructed Defecation Syndrome, impaired rectal muscle function is an important causative factor leading to difficulty in expulsion of stools. In this non-invasive treatment, a probe is inserted into the rectum and the muscle activity is monitored on a computer screen. A physiotherapist will then guide you and train you to improve your defecation effort.
In cases of Obstructed Defecation Syndrome or when Chronic Constipation has led to rectal prolapse, surgical intervention in the form of STARR Surgery may become necessary. The aim of the surgery is to remove the part of the obstructed/prolapsed rectum and replace it with a healthy portion of the remaining rectum. In STARR surgery,done under general anaesthesia, two circular staplers are used to produce a circumferential trans-anal full thickness resection of the lower rectum. The combination of the two stapled resections eliminates the structural abnormalities associated with ODS.
STARR ( Stapled Trans Anal Rectal Resection ) Surgery was invented by world-renowned colorectal surgeon, Dr Antonio Longo. Dr Porwal was fortunate to get an opportunity to learn the technique from Dr Longo himself, and currently, the maximum number of STARR surgeries are performed at Healing Hands Clinic per month in India. It was firstly performed in Maharashtra. We have cured hundreds of patients of Chronic Constipation; some having suffered from it for decades.
STARR is a surgical procedure that is performed through the anus, requires no external incisions and leaves no visible scars. Using a surgical stapler, the procedure removes excess tissue in the rectum and reduces the deformities that can cause ODS. Patients undergoing STARR are typically hospitalized for one to three days and have minimal recovery time after leaving the hospital.Is STARR Effective?
Yes. In a recent clinical study, chronic constipation symptoms significantly improved in most patients undergoing the STARR procedure. Overall patient satisfaction with the STARR procedure was high, with 90 percent of patients rating the results as either good or excellent.
Constipation is one of those topics few people like to discuss. But if you suffer from constipation you know it can be painful and frustrating and interferes greatly with your daily life. Almost everyone suffers from constipation at some time. Studies show that up to 16 percent of women in the India meet symptom criteria for chronic constipation. Moreover, people tend to suffer with the condition for a long time. Research shows up to 45 percent of individuals with constipation report having the condition for five years or more. Now there is a good reason to talk about chronic constipation. There is a surgical alternative that may be able to help women who have been unable to find solutions in the past for a type of chronic constipation called Obstructed Defecation Syndrome ( ODS ). Before you can understand whether you may have ODS, you need to understand more about chronic constipation. Constipation clinic now at chinchwad, Chakan and Opening Soon at Navi Mumbai.
Constipation basically occurs when the waste matter moves very slowly through the large intestines, causing it to become hard and dry.
Some of the common causes of constipation include:
Lastly, constipation may be functional, caused by Obstructed Defecation Syndrome (ODS), a relatively common cause that can now be diagnosed with newer tests like MRI Defecography (MRD).
Other more serious conditions that may cause constipation include:
Transient episodes of constipation are fairly common and should not be a reason to worry. However, its best to take an expert opinion when symptoms last for more than 3 weeks.
Kindly note that if you have worsening nausea and repeated vomiting or if abdominal pain becomes severe and constant, you should seek immediate help.
Also, if constipation is associated with a change in stool size – narrow like a pencil or ribbon, change in frequency, or if any blood is seen from the rectum, consult a doctor immediately.
Although diagnosis of constipation is pretty straightforward, investigations may be required to evaluate the underlying cause in case of chronic cases. Thus, after a detailed history of your bowel habits and general health and lifestyle, your doctor may consider getting one or few of the following tests done:
Transient episodes of constipation do not cause any serious complications. However, chronic constipation may lead to certain sequelae:
Chronic constipation sufferers also are at risk of developing a sigmoid volvulus, or ‘twist’ of the colon
Constipation affects one’s quality of life, causes stress, and diminishes overall sense of well-being. These things tend to self-perpetuate, and profoundly affect the cardiovascular, endocrine, and immune systems.
Obstructed Defecation Syndrome (ODS) is an inability to smoothly evacuate stools out of the rectum.This means that there is no malfunction in the digestive process and stools are formed normally. But the problem lies at the last stage i.e. excretion of the stools. It is believed that ODS is a result of an anatomical abnormality of the pelvic organs. An improper functioning of the muscles involved in defecation process is another cause. ODS accounts for almost 30-50% cases of Chronic Constipation.It is usually found in women due to nerve damage as a result of childbearing.
The most common symptom of a person suffering from ODS is incomplete evacuation. They typically complain of a feeling that something is left behind in the rectum after passing stools. Other symptoms include:
The diagnosis is confirmed with MRI Defecography.
Constipation occurs when the waste matter becomes very hard and dry that it passes very slowly through the intestines. So you can cure constipation by following these methods:
The doctor must be consulted in case of following symptoms:
Your safety is taken care of by thermal screening, social distancing, sanitized clinics and hospital rooms, sterilized surgical equipment and mandatory PPE kits during surgery.
Our surgeons spend a lot of time with you to diagnose your condition. You are assisted in all pre-surgery medical diagnostics. We offer advanced laser and laparoscopic surgical treatment. Our procedures are USFDA approved.
A dedicated Medical Coordinator assists you throughout the surgery journey from insurance paperwork, to free commute from home to hospital & back and admission-discharge process at the hospital.
We offer free follow-up consultations and instructions including dietary tips as well as exercises to every patient to ensure they have a smooth recovery to their daily routines.